Top 10 Most Dangerous Trees in the World
The “tree of life” is a popular idea in mythology, folklore, and even religious stories, but there are real “trees of death” that can do a lot of harm to people in the world of biology. Folklore tells of a tree that eats people, but we don’t know if that’s true. However, all of the trees we’ve looked at in this story show that the truth can be even stranger than fiction. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the ten most dangerous trees of death. Here is the list of Top 10 Most Dangerous Trees in the World!
1. Manchineel Tree
The fruit from this particular tree looks and feels like an apple, but it is very bad for your health. The Manzanilla de la Muerte is another name for this deadly tree. It is native to the Caribbean coasts, which include Florida, central and south America, Mexico, and other places.
2. Suicide Tree
You can find the suicide tree in India and other parts of Southern Asia. This tree got its name after people killed themselves by eating its fruit. It is known as Cerbera odollym by scientists. Most of the time, it grows near marshes and in coastal swamps.
3. Bunya Pine
This tree grows mostly in Queensland, which is in the northeast of Australia. The cones of these trees can be up to six kilograms in weight. When these cones fall from their trees, they can hurt people or even kill them.
4. The Sandbox Tree
Different parts of North and South America have sandbox trees. This tree is known for the sharp spines that run all the way up its trunk. When this tree’s fruit is ready, it tends to explode and send its seeds in different directions. Its seeds can travel up to 70 miles per second, which is very dangerous for anyone standing in that area. This tree even makes a normal kind of sap that is very poisonous and can cause rashes.
5. Milky Mangrove
People often think that mangroves are special because they tend to grow near water. But the milky mangrove, also known as the Excoecaria Agallocha, is different in many ways. When this plant’s sap comes into contact with the eyes, it could cause temporary blindness and severe blistering of the skin.
6. Oleander
Some parts of the oleander plant, like saponins, cardiac glycosides, and oleandrin, are dangerous. The plant could cause blurred vision, rashes, fainting, tiredness, and even heartbeats that aren’t regular.
7. European Yew
All of the parts of this tree have a poison called taxin. If someone injects it, they can easily die of poisoning without even feeling sick.
8. The Strychnine Tree
This plant is the main source of strychnine, which is a very dangerous substance that affects both the nervous and muscular systems. It can cause tetanic tonic contraction if it gets into the body.
9. Angels Trumpet
This plant’s bell-shaped flowers look nice in gardens, but they are poisonous. They contain tropane alkaloids, which can cause severe hallucinations and put people in a zombie-like state.
10. Gympie Gympie
This plant is usually found in the rainforests of Australia’s northeast. Its heart-shaped, hairy leaves can cause severe allergic reactions, like hives and itching. This is especially true at the point of contact.